We take pride in delivering two safe, reliable, highly efficient and environmentally friendly fuels to our customers. You can feel good about propane and heating oil — here’s why.
3 reasons propane is eco-friendly
Propane helps fuel your lifestyle, saves you money, keeps your home comfortable and adds convenience to your daily life. But did you know that it is also considered one of the greenest fuels?
1. Fewer emissions: Propane has a lower carbon content than many other fuels — a big part of the reason that it was added to the Clean Air Act as a clean fuel in 1990. Propane furnaces offer best-in-class efficiency, with AFUE ratings from 90% to 98%, and provide comfortable, even and consistent heat.
2. Higher efficiency: Propane-powered appliances are typically much more efficient than electric models of similar size and output. A tankless propane water heater, for example, can save more than $150 per year in energy costs compared with typical electric storage water heaters. Less energy used equals less of an environmental impact.
3. Nontoxic: Propane is not toxic and does not spill, pool or leave a residue. If a tank leak occurs, propane is harmless to soil and water, so there are no risks for long-term damage to your home or property.
Please contact us if you would like to help the environment by expanding your use of propane.
We take pride in delivering two safe, reliable, highly efficient and environmentally friendly fuels to our customers. You can feel good about propane and heating oil — here’s why.
Healthy grilling with propane

Did you know that propane grills are a much healthier and more environmentally friendly way to cook your food? Research shows that cooking on a charcoal grill can lead to as much as 105 times more carbon monoxide being produced than cooking on a propane grill.
A typical charcoal grill also produces an astonishing 11 pounds of carbon dioxide per hour, or twice as much as a propane grill. (An electric grill does even worse, producing 15 pounds of carbon dioxide per hour).*
Besides producing much lower emissions levels, propane grills greatly reduce your exposure to carcinogens, which end up in your food when you’re grilling. Charcoal grills create more smoke and burn hotter, leading to the formation of toxins that have been linked to some cancers.
School buses get greener
Many states, including ours, have been adopting alternative-energy incentive programs, resulting in more school districts purchasing propane autogas buses.
According to a recent study by West Virginia University’s Center for Alternative Fuels, Engines and Emissions, propane autogas is a proven way to dramatically decrease oxides of nitrogen emissions in communities.* The positive effects become especially powerful when propane-powered school buses replace old diesel-powered buses.
School districts have gained enormous fuel savings by using propane autogas instead of more expensive diesel fuel. Kids are also benefitting from a healthier ride to and from school, because buses fueled by propane autogas produce far fewer emissions.
In terms of fuel and maintenance costs, schools can save an average of $3,000 to $5,000 per bus.
The Propane Education and Research Council estimates that if all diesel school buses across the United States were converted to propane, the savings would be enough to cover the cost of hiring 23,000 teachers.
Give yourself some (tax) credit
To encourage homeowners to invest in high-efficiency systems, Congress recently extended a federal tax credit program for energy-efficient home improvements. The tax credit is not only valid through Dec. 31, 2020, but is retroactive to Dec. 31, 2017. This means that if you installed a qualifying system in the past two years, you can still apply.
The tax credit varies. In some cases, it can be 10% of the total cost, up to $500, for home improvements like windows, doors and new insulation. In other cases, the credit is limited to a specific amount.
In the case of a high-efficiency oil furnace or oil boiler, you can qualify for a $150 federal tax credit. One thing to keep in mind is that this must be for an existing home that is your primary residence. The credits do not apply to new construction or rentals.
If you’ve been putting off making those home improvements or purchasing that new comfort system, 2020 is the perfect time to take action. Not only will you enjoy some bonus money in tax credits, but the energy-efficient improvements will save you money on your energy bills, year after year.
To learn more, go to EnergyStar.gov and click the button for tax credits under “Energy Efficiency,” toward the top of the home page.
See page 1 for additional Pennsylvania Upgrade & Save rebates you may be eligible to receive in addition to this federal tax credit.