Dealer/Retailer Programs

Your commercial fueling partner in Pennsylvania, Northeast Ohio, Northern West Virginia and Northern Maryland
Glassmere Fuel is a major supplier of motor fuels to resellers in Pennsylvania, Northeast Ohio, Northern West Virginia and Northern Maryland. This is because we offer competitive pricing, prompt, “market timed” deliveries and access to all major suppliers at terminals throughout the region.
We also offer:
- Fixed Price Contracts for as little as 10 days or as long as 12 months*
- Wholesale and Consignment Agreements (see below)
- Equipment upgrades to help modernize your location*
- Unbranded or branded options
- Flexible payment terms
In today’s competitive retail environment. it is vital to portray the best possible image. Image consists of many things, but the major elements are modern equipment and competitive pricing. We can help you with both of these needs.
Supply Options
Spot Delivery: We quote a price delivered into your location for same-day or next-day delivery, and delivery is made with agreed payment terms. We do everything in our power to “market time” your delivery, based upon your instructions, for the best price. “Market time” means we either delay or expedite the loading of your delivery to coincide with the direction of the wholesale market, either up or down.
Wholesale Supply Agreement: A supply agreement is executed between Glassmere Fuel and the retailer whereby Glassmere Fuel invests in the retailer location for equipment upgrades (pumps, canopies, lighting, etc.) for supply of a set number of gallons over a mutually agreed upon time frame. Retailer volume requirements are required for this option.
Consignment Supply Agreement: Glassmere Fuel is unique among fuel suppliers in offering this no-investment option for reselling fuel. It works like this: If the retailer location is approved by Glassmere Fuel in regard to image, cleanliness, credit approval and volume, Glassmere Fuel provides the fuel inventory to the retailer at no cost, retaining ownership of the fuel in the retailer’s tanks. The dealer then sells the fuel based on retail prices established by Glassmere Fuel, and daily deposits all cash receipts from the prior day’s sales in a bank account established by Glassmere Fuel. Similarly, all credit card sales are routed to the Glassmere Fuel bank account. A weekly check is sent to the retailer for the gallons pumped for the prior week multiplied by an agreed upon commission for selling the fuel. Glassmere Fuel pays all credit card transaction fees, and also offers the acceptance of the Glassmere Fuel “Fleet Fueling Card,” which works just like a credit card. For these accounts, credit is established with the customer by Glassmere Fuel, who assumes all responsibility for credit risk and billing. The retailer is paid commission on these gallons weekly the same as if they were cash transactions. In addition, solicitation of customers for the Glassmere Fleet Fueling Card is encouraged to help boost dealer sales. With a load of fuel now topping $25,000, this option is ideal for the retailer who wants to use his operating capital for other purposes. In addition, Glassmere Fuel controls dealer inventories to prevent run-outs and to offer competitive street pricing to boost volume. Retailer volume requirements are required for this option.*
*Restrictions apply. Please call for details.
Branded Fuel Stations
Glassmere Fuel Service has available premier branding options of major fuel suppliers including Sunoco and Sinclair. These programs allow you to acquire funding to re-image your location and have access to competitively-priced, guaranteed-supply of exclusive proprietary product. In addition, branding options provide turn-key branded image conversions, marketing support, and unique regional gasoline marketing programs.
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Your Commercial Fueling Partner in Western & Central PA, Northern W. Virginia & Maryland, and Northwest Ohio
Glassmere Fuel Service is your best source for commercial fueling. Our experienced and knowledgeable staff will help you select the proper loaned equipment, set you up with a Pacific Pride account, offer value on bulk gasoline and diesel fuel deliveries, and much more.