When the Comforts of Home Get Interrupted

Many people define “ultimate luxury” as simply having the chance to relax and enjoy the comforts of home. But those comforts can be interrupted sometimes. Here are common home comfort problems — and ways to deal with them.

Lights Out

Nothing says home comfort interruption like a power outage. There go your lights, heat, television, and so many more devices you depend on to bring convenience to your life.

If you have a standby whole-house generator, it may have been a while since you used it. Review the manufacturer’s instructions on how to use it safely. And above all, make sure you have enough fuel to keep the generator running throughout the power outage.

After power is restored, follow these tips:

  • Throw away any food that was exposed to temperatures above 40°F for two hours or more. You should also dispose of any food that has an unusual odor, color, or texture.
  • If the food in your freezer has stayed colder than 40°F and has ice crystals on it, it’s safe to refreeze it.
  • Restock your home emergency supply kit (new batteries, bottled water, canned food, etc.).
  • If you’re concerned that your medications may have spoiled, ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice.
  • To prevent damage from power surges, unplug all electrical appliances before resetting your circuit breaker.
  • Make sure there is no standing water in your basement. If flood water has reached your heating system, get it checked before trying to restart it. Internal valves and controls are vulnerable to water damage and should be inspected.

Source: https://www.cet-a.com/EmergPrepBooklet.pdf

Save Time and Expense

At some point, you may lose your heat, and it won’t be caused by a widespread power outage. To save yourself the time and expense of an emergency service call, here are some things you can do to get your heat back!

✔ Check to see if you have enough heating oil or propane in your storage tank.
✔ Ensure the system’s power switches are in the “on” position.
✔ See if a circuit breaker has been tripped.
✔ Make sure your thermostat is set above room temperature and to “heat.” Check the batteries also.
✔ If you still can’t find the problem, press your system’s reset button once only.

How to Reboot Your Heating System

As you’ve learned from previous power outages, your heating system will not run without electricity. That’s true not only for propane gas and heating oil systems but also for natural gas and, obviously, electric heating systems.

Once your power is back on, remember that your system typically won’t start up on its own. It usually needs a little help from you. Look at it as a system “reboot.”

  • If you have a modern propane gas system, it should have a reset button. Push it once only and see if your system starts up. Pushing this button multiple times may cause damage to the control panel. If you have an older gas system, check to see if the pilot light has gone out.
  • If you have a heating oil system, follow the same advice as a gas system: push the reset button one time only. Do not push it again. Pushing this button multiple times can flood your system with oil, resulting in a costly repair.

What Happened to the Hot Water?

If your old water heater is running out of hot water more frequently, it may have reached the end of its lifespan, which ranges from 7 to 13 years. Other trouble signs include higher water heating costs, leaks, rusty water, and unusual noises.

The good news is that there is a range of new water heating units available that may be the right fit for your space, usage needs, and budget. Once you have a new one installed, your comforts of home will always include plenty of hot water.

Both propane and oil-powered water heaters can save you a lot of money on operating costs and provide hot water faster than less efficient electric units.

Running on Empty

It can be a big pain in the neck when you run out of heating oil or propane, but we know life gets in the way sometimes. It’s easy to lose track of things.

If you want to remove “check the tank” from your to-do list this year, switch to our free automatic delivery service. The result: minimal chance of a run-out, no more calling for a delivery, and no more checking your fuel levels on your own.

Trust us to track how much fuel your home uses. When you start getting low, our driver will simply come to your home and fill up your tank based on the schedule we have built for you.

If you already get automatic delivery, don’t forget to tell us if something has changed that affects how much propane or heating oil you use in your home. We’ll adjust your delivery schedule accordingly. ​​